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Conflict and Alliance: The US and China: A Centennial Dance: A Century of Relationship from 1900 to 2024
FRONTLINE China Undercover
Elimination of “Uyghur Counter-Revolutionary Officials” in Academic Fields—Exact Quotes Translated from a Mandarin Audio File
In Push for Trade Deal, Trump Administration Shelves Sanctions Over China’s Crackdown on Uighurs
Dalai Lama’s 60th Anniversary Symposium: İlshat Hassan speech in English and Chinese
By Torchlight Uyghur Group ( This Petition Is Also Available In The Following Languages: Japanese (日本語), Chinese (中文), Uyghur (ئۇيغۇرچە), Slawyan (Kiril), Uyghur (Latinche). September 22th, 2018 The Chinese government has kept the actual number of the Uyghurs in East Turkestan as ...
Jewher Ilham, daughter of Ilham Tohti, a prominent Uighur academic who was jailed for life by China, testifies in Washington, April 8, 2014. AFP UPDATED at 6:30 A.M. EDT on 2016-10-18 The daughter of jailed Uyghur academic Ilham Tohti has spoken out in support of his peaceful promotion of equal rights and grea...
Jailed Uyghur scholar Ilham Tohti has won the Martin Ennals Award 2016, for those who "defend human rights with courage in the face of personal risk," in a move welcomed by rights activists but not by China. Tohti, a former professor at the Central University for Nationalities in Beijing who has been dubbed "China's Nelson M...
Der in China zu lebenslanger Haft verurteilte Aktivist lham Tohti erhält den renommierten Martin-Ennals-Preis für Verteidiger der Menschenrechte. Tohti gilt als gemäßigte Stimme der Minderheit der Uiguren. Mit der Preisverleihung würdigen zehn bekannte Menschenrechtsorganisationen, darunter Amnesty Internationa...
On 25 May 2016, activists and specialists convened in the European Parliament to answer the question “Does China Want Real Ethnic Harmony?” during a conference focused on the unjust imprisonment for life of Professor Ilham Tohti, a renowned Uyghur economist and writer. The conference, organised by the Unrepresented Nations and ...
By NICK CUMMING-BRUCEAPRIL 27, 2016 GENEVA — A prominent Uighur scholar who is serving a life sentence for separatism in a Chinese prison was named on Wednesday as a finalist for a prestigious human rights award for trying to promote dialogue in the troubled Xinjiang region of China. The scholar, Ilh... YOU POSSESS THE STRENGTH AND THE QUALITY TO BRING THE CHANGE WE NEED YOU DESERVE RESPECT AND EQUALITY FOR FRIENDSHIP IS YOUR CREED WHERE THERE´S LOVE THERE IS LIGHT OUR LAMPS AND CANDLES WILL BURN UNTIL YOU RETURN WHERE THERE ARE SKIES WE WILL WRITE YOUR NAME AND THAT´S WHERE YO...
Conflict and Alliance: The US and China: A Centennial Dance: A Century of Relationship from 1900 to 2024 This book examines the intricate relationship between the United States and China from the early 20th century to the present day. Interwoven with historical events, economic interests, ideological differences, and geopolitical competition, this relationship plays a pivotal role in ...
CHINA RELATIONSEAST TURKESTAN PROBLEM AND TURKEY Nuri Gürgür ( Honorary President of Turkish Hearths - Turkey) The ethnic, religious, and cultural genocide of the Turkish people of East Turkestan by People's Republic of China is increasingly drawing reactions from Western countries and international non-governmental organizations working on human rights. After the US,...
Translated by Torchlight Uyghur Group November 14, 2019 In an Elementary Accounting class in Xinjiang University of Finance and Economics, a Han Chinese teacher said the following to his students just before he started his lecture: Man: Later they arrested people again. This year they arrested 20 more people one after another again. The total number of people arrested in the Reg...
Conflict and Alliance: The US and China: A Centennial Dance: A Century of...
Conflict and Alliance: The US and China: A Centennial Dance: A Century of...
Conflict and Alliance: The US and China: A Centennial Dance: A Century of...